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65017 NISSENS 65017 NISSENS žemos temperatūros radiat., tarpinis suslėgto oro aušintuvas

techninė informacija:
Radiator with 5mm system-Advanced technology with higher
power effect
65323 NISSENS 65323 NISSENS žemos temperatūros radiat., tarpinis suslėgto oro aušintuvas

techninė informacija:
Radiator with 5mm system-Advanced technology with higher
power effect
65340 NISSENS 65340 NISSENS žemos temperatūros radiat., tarpinis suslėgto oro aušintuvas

techninė informacija:
Radiator with 5mm system-Advanced technology with higher
power effect
CIR 10 000P CIR 10 000P žemos temperatūros radiat., tarpinis suslėgto oro aušintuvas

bendras sertifikavimas:
PREMIUM LINE - OE Quality for customers expecting the
The core dimensions / product measurements of the different
manufacturers /vendors might be different due to various
production technologies. These dimensions / product
measurements are not an indication for the performance or
the correct fitting accuracy of the product itself.
CIR 1 000P CIR 1 000P žemos temperatūros radiat., tarpinis suslėgto oro aušintuvas

bendras sertifikavimas:
PREMIUM LINE - OE Quality for customers expecting the
The core dimensions / product measurements of the different
manufacturers /vendors might be different due to various
production technologies. These dimensions / product
measurements are not an indication for the performance or
the correct fitting accuracy of the product itself.
CIR 12 000P CIR 12 000P žemos temperatūros radiat., tarpinis suslėgto oro aušintuvas

bendras sertifikavimas:
PREMIUM LINE - OE Quality for customers expecting the
The core dimensions / product measurements of the different
manufacturers /vendors might be different due to various
production technologies. These dimensions / product
measurements are not an indication for the performance or
the correct fitting accuracy of the product itself.
7 nuo 12
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