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Z001631 Z001631 stabdžių diskas

techninė informacija:
Shape: shape 1 - pot type
Overall width L[mm]: 72.5
Mounting hole circle diameter dB[mm]: 118
Number of mounting holes: 5
Mounting hole diameter[mm] or thread: 15.65
Z001632 Z001632 stabdžių diskas

techninė informacija:
Shape: shape 1 - pot type
Overall width L[mm]: 66.5
Mounting hole circle diameter dB[mm]: 118
Number of mounting holes: 5
Mounting hole diameter[mm] or thread: 15.65
Z001633 Z001633 stabdžių diskas

techninė informacija:
Shape: shape 1 - pot type
Overall width L[mm]: 66.5
Mounting hole circle diameter dB[mm]: 118
Number of mounting holes: 5
Mounting hole diameter[mm] or thread: 15.65
Z001634 Z001634 stabdžių diskas

techninė informacija:
Shape: shape 1 - pot type
Overall width L[mm]: 32.5
Mounting hole circle diameter dB[mm]: 120
Number of mounting holes: 10
Mounting hole diameter[mm] or thread: 10.8
Z001635 Z001635 stabdžių diskas

techninė informacija:
Shape: shape 1 - pot type
Overall width L[mm]: 42.5
Mounting hole circle diameter dB[mm]: 120
Number of mounting holes: 10
Mounting hole diameter[mm] or thread: 10.8
2396 nuo 2397
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